Frankie Gambino Fake Boss of Bosses: Joke Mafiosa and Ice Cream

“Funky Gambino and the Gambettes”

“Frankie…So you were the big man in your server after I left? Sucking on Wobblefailz’s and Rachel “Moaning Minny” McTired’s tits?”

Franklin Gambino’s Death Mask

Over the past several years I have infiltrated the so called “Sikfux Cartel” a fake mafiosa gang in SL and Discord.

Their current “gang” hideout and safe space is @ RAO sim. Feel free to make a visit and abuse report them.

Most of them are on Linden Labs most unwanted list of hardware banned residents,


Several also have rl criminal records for home invasion and fraud. The account user commonly known as Petey C0 has served time for home invasion.

Franklin Gambino?

Franklin Gambino, “Tosser of Tossers”, “Fagt of Fgts”.

SL Status: Hardware banned.

The leader of the gang styles  himself Frankie Gambino, Boss of Bosses. Laughable if it were not so frikkin sad. For those interested in the real Gambinos click here: GAMBINOS

Frankie’s team are less The Sopranos more The Marx Brothers. Fucking jokers and the laughing stock of SL.

L-R Vincent, Peter , Franklin & Johnny Diaper.

I first came across the scumbag Frankie or Franklin Gambino at the Hub of Mongs, Arapaima. When I listened to this jackass I thought he was in his 60’s and had very loose dentures. When he spoke so much saliva would splatter from what sounded like an unhinged jaw it was necessary to carry an umbrella in his presence to shield from the shower of rancid phlegm. Bad teeth?

Surrounding himself with a mix of low life’s from real life he likes to talk drugs, whores and assassination. He portrays himself as some big shot Italian “ice cream distro.

The reality is somewhat more mundane. He cuts hair part time at the local Albanian barber shop next to his local Starbucks.

In addition every month he heads down to Florida to promote the sales of his family’s traditional, frozen, Italian meals. Disappearing for 3 weeks at a time.

This amazing multitasker also oversees a number of brothels and ice cream parlours selling Japanese ice cream and access to underage children in the cellar space. No questions asked.

During this time he is normally “dark” and not active on social media.

When he does show up he is around for about a week. during the first 24 hours or so he absorbs all the updates from his lieutenants, Big Vincenzo, Pietro the Mong and Johnny Retard.

Its during this phase that he does not sleep, partakes in recreational drug use and turns into a gibbering wreck speaking and typing gobbledegook only intelligible to himself or a drunken chimpanzee.

Frankie had a starring role in the rl Prison Break. He claims to have spent 7 years in jail.

What does he do inSL/Discord. Sweet fuck all really. Roams the escort clubs looking for a cyber wank  and shit stirring with his gang.

Apart from making prank calls most of his time is spent talking and listening to the gibbering monkeys in SL that he has collected.

The collective IQ of the Sikfux Cartel is no more than those with Down’s Syndrome.

Maybe because Frankie has no kids, has never been a father and lives with his Mom and sister and apparently does not have an RL woman…he doesn’t understand why the violation of my family’s social media presence and subsequent sharing in Discord and SL is so abhorrent and should be enough reason for him to cut ties with the ghetto Queen and trailer trash Irish Rakkel.

So why am I focusing on him and his faux hoodlums friends?

Because he is a two face, lying snake only interested in his own deluded status on SL and his pathetic server of sycophants and rejects from Wobblefailz, Ahernia server.

I gave him 3 chances to demonstrate he has a back bone…………..sadly he is ALL reptile.

“Waterz, baby, can I have my admin rights back in your server?”

I gave him my best advice. Cull and boot Waterz and Rachael for abusing their access and admin rights. LMFAO

Not Frankie…..snake.

Frankie “2 Faces” Glumbino

Mr ROBOT aka Magikh0e

Rather than skimp a paragraph here I will dedicate a post to the supposed OG Mr Robot. Frankie’s dearest internet buddy.

Coming soon “Malice Code” you cunt.

Mr ROBOT, meet Crazy Ol’ Scotsman. 

Takin no prisoners today.

Ditto this sketchy whore and POKER server sabateuse.

Yes baby. You are in this too S*phi@.

Petey The Mong, “Mong of Mongs” 

(IQ not measurable)

SL Status: Hardware banned

Petey C0

Ignore the double chin, fat lips and vacant expression. Its the fukkin head shapem and schnozzle that demands attention.

Speciality: home invasion and GTA. Wannabe assassin. Does not know one end of a water pistol from another. Delusions of grandeur.

Self proclaimed connoisseur of BLENDED malt whiskeys! LMFAO He hadn’t heard of single malts. Seeing his living space floor was covered in empty whiskey bottles he dose seem to have drank a few wee shorts.

Works part time for his Dad as a gofor in decoration and refurbishment. Great platform to case joints eh? Also part time heavy lifter helping out his bro with his IT repair shop. Would you trust this lot???

Lives in a FEMA trailer. Nice!

Offered to fly to Scotland to take me out if Frankie would pay all expenses and he could be issued a “clean” passport.

He cannot enter the EU because he is a felon.

Baby due next month though he doesn’t plan to live with her till summer of next year. That’s a great Italian American father!

Johnny “Stinky Finger” Retard 

SL Status: Hardware banned

Diaper fetish and fake UNABOMBER. Johnny thinks he is the Devil incarnate not a grown man wearing adult diapers for the lolz. “Exterminate”

Not Johnny Diaper?

Big Vince aka Big “V”

SL Status: Hardware banned so long ago LL have forgotten he is.

Delusional about his building skills and manager of various SL brothels. Nice!

Director of Vince’s Hub a private sim replica of the Arapaima Hub aka SIKFUKS CENTRAL safe space.

Above the hub Big V, as he is known, keeps the private bedrooms clean using his pixel pressure jet and a Mexican comes in to clean the restrooms.

So poverty stricken are these gangsters they have to beg Dream Goodfellow to fund it. I guess the trade in sherbet dabs is not what it used to be.

Frankie’s bodyguard and snooper. All round nice guy totally in Frankie’s thrall,(but is he?).

Conflicted by Frankie’s despicable morals Big “V” has not been so impressed with Frankie’s indifferent approach to server management. Frankie’s indifferent approach to Wobblefailz harassment of Stefanos and her minions abuse of same and his family over 3 weeks was not comfortable for Big “V”.

He was particularly unimpressed with Rachel commissioning Monte “8 Ball” Zuma to doxx Stefanos’s entire family not least the distribution of an image of his daughter in a post op bed near death.

Rachel realised to late this was an error of judgement and sought to distance herself form Monte, poor lad. Moreover on the Monday following her good friend, “Loony Bed Pan Connie” cried wolf claiming the big bad Stefanos had shared pics of Rachel’s kids. Even though it was a lie Raging Rachel decided to use it as an attack strategy during what was supposed to be the Hanja Accord.

Sadly we all know how that went. Broken promises and all that. Now I know why the Native Americans never trusted the white man. “White man speak with forked tongue”.

More to come……!

Read all about Frankie’s affairs with e-scorts like BubblegumBish, his new whore LuLuIvy and his long time bogan, Muslim lover Eeevilyn. 

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